Microblading Post Care
1 - Wash the same day with mild soap. Always pat dry it with a paper towel and such. Even after washing it, you may see some fluid oozing from the eyebrows, if you do, just blot it dry also using some paper towel.
2 - Wait 24h to wash it again;
3 - After 24h start applying the Aquaphor (or other recommendation by the artist at the studio) using a q-tip. Do it once or twice (depending on how dry it gets) a day for 5 days; P.s.: make sure the ointment is not old or contaminated. Always grab the amount you need at once without returning the q-tip to the product after touching the eyebrows.
4 - Don't pick at scabs, let it fall off naturally.
5 - Avoid for 5 days:
- Direct sun exposure;
- Makeup on forehead and, of course, the eyebrows;
- Face creams in general on the forehead area;
- HEAVY sweating;
- Swimming;
- Sleeping on your face.
- Darker look for the first week;
- A mild itching (healing process)
- Patchy look (the excess of the ink is falling off and a lighter color underneath is showing
- It doesn't mean that the procedure didn't hold well).
- Ligther spots, color-uneven (that's why we have the 2nd session to come).
This is a very superficial procedure and if you take good care of it as it is described, you'll have no issues at all 🤗.
If you find anything unusual contact me directly, don't waste time "googling" it, 😉.
Thank you.
See you soon for your next session!
Renan Possato Microblading